An in-browser benchmark comparing Arquero, Danfo.js, SQLite WASM and DuckDB WASM across a mix of transactional and analytical queries. SQL frameworks extend their impressive performance from the server to the browser.
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A concise guide on building SQLite WASM on Ubuntu Linux with custom extensions. Run SQLite in the browser and enable new possibilities by providing an interface to other C libraries through custom extensions.
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A review of the things I have learned from building in the open over the past year. Thoughts and reflections on what it takes to grow a project and the difficulty translating open-source success to commerical success.
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Translating responsible AI principles to create VerifyML. User feedback, design decisions and architecture choices in creating our responsible AI solution.
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Fairness is messy and complicated. Attempts to distil it down to a single metric is unhelpful and counter-productive. As business owners and model developers we should embrace the struggle in trying to apply fairness in artificial intelligence and data analytics models.