An explanation of the challenges of graph anonymisation and the difficulty of striking a balance between usefulness and anonymity. Written as a response to Singapore's TraceTogether privacy saga
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A revised benchmark of graphs / network computation packages featuring an updated methodology and more comprehensive testing. Find out how Networkx, igraph, graph-tool, Networkit, SNAP and lightgraphs perform
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How we engineered a large scale label propagation algorithm at Cylynx
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Benchmark of 5 popular graph/network packages - Networkx, igraph, graph-tool, Networkit and SNAP
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Technical overview of our 2nd place solution and my experience at the Binance hackathon
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Part II in the network exploration of the Game of Thrones series. In this post, we combine the plots together and use gganimate to visualise relationships across all 5 books
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A network exploration on the links between characters in the Game of Thrones series with the help of igraph and tidygraph